
Good things to come.

I'm running a contest on my Facebook business page for a free photo session for someone in Albuquerque.

I literally had zero fans from the area, and getting business since we moved here has been a bitch.


It's working. I have 40 new fans, all from ABQ.

Could this be a sign of good things to come? Dear Lord, I hope so. I would love to be able to finally build my business up here.

Thaddeus is still on Christmas break. ZOMG I might go crazy. Lol. He's just no longer a late sleeper, so the early mornings are pretty draining. I have been incredibly spoiled on the mornings when I don't have anything to get done, so I can take him to the bus stop and Charlotte and I can go back to bed for a couple hours.

Of course, it would probably help if Tom and I actually went to bed before midnight. But someone tell my 5-year-old that it's way cooler to sleep in than to wake up early. Mmmkay?

And here's some pictures I took yesterday of Charlotte.

Her sweet little face kills me. Seriously.


Happy New Year!

Well, the Jeters rang in 2013 with a bang...

...our babysitter, who had cancelled on us at the last minute, called to say, "Nevermind! I can come over!" So Tom and I rushed around to get ready for a New Year's party at a friend's house, and headed out.

The party ended at 11, when most people decided they wanted to celebrate the New Year at midnight Central time. Lol.

So we went home and toasted with champagne, just the two of us.

Well, the three of us...since Charlotte happened to be awake, playing in her crib and we could hear her giggles and squeals while we watched the ball drop. Lol.

New Years Day was filled with lots of naps, pizza, a trip to my uncle's house, dinner at the local Mexican restaurant, and then Tom passed out early because he ended up coming down with a cold.

A man cold.

Poor guy. :(

Anyways, I have re-committed to doing a 365 project for this year. I really want to stick with it, but I have to admit - I am already bored. Lol.

I feel like 90% of my photos these days are of Charlotte anyways (she is a most willing subject, after all) - but it's not like she can do a lot of stuff. So in her photos, she's either eating, sleeping, or laying on the floor. Lol.

See why I'm bored?

But I'll stick with it. I owe it to my kids, and to myself, to do another one of these projects.


This little girl looooooves her daddy. OMG.

When I was pregnant with Charlotte, and we knew it was a girl, Tom and I would talk all the time about the difference between she and Thaddeus. I insisted to Tom that he would be a different parent - that he would become softer. That his heart would beat differently. Not that he would love her more - I don't think it's even possible to love one child more than another - but that he would love her in a completely new way.

I was right. Ha.

The two of them are so sweet together. She stares at him and smiles, while he cuddles with her and says aloud that she is, "so precious," or "my baby girl."

I have never seen Tom like this. It's amazing to watch. And oh man is it sexy. ;)


The rest of the week will be boring ol' routine, which I am ok with. This past month or two has been insane.

I'm ready for things to slow down.