
Why 3-year-olds should never be left alone.

It's seriously inevitable.

You have a child. He doesn't create a lot of mischief. He's fairly well-behaved.

And then it happens.

You let your guard down.

And this is what happens:

I know what you're thinking...

"Did Thaddeus bludgeon those two dogs to death!?"

"Did Thaddeus amputate one of his own legs, and hobble around for awhile, thus creating blood spatterings all over the floor and furniture!?"


What he did was far worse.

He took 4 bottles of nail polish from my mom's retail center (shown here):

(See the missing bottles near the bottom? Did I mention each of them was red?)

...and he painted the town red. Literally.

Needless to say, he was in a ton of trouble.

Tom and I weren't here when it happened, since we were still in Michigan. Thad had been staying with my parents for the week, and this was just a few days into his trip.

And, obviously, it didn't go over well with my parents.

They weren't upset about what he did, but the fact that he did it sneakily. And then he copped an attitude with my mom when she asked him what he was doing.

I think he learned his lesson.

I think I did, too.

That whole "never leave your child alone" thing?

Yeah, I think I'll take that a little more seriously in the future.


Lindsey Arntson said...

I am overcome with mixed feelings of horror (that it may happen to me someday) and laughter (because it hasn't happened to me yet). Tell your mom I said hi :)

Katie said...

Lol, Lindsey! I literally laughed out loud at first...but then they weren't laughing. So I stopped. Oops! ;)

Kellea LeSage said...

When I used to sell Mary Kay, Cami got into my stock and when I found here, there were several shades of lipstick, foundation, etc. all over her and my carpet. She had gone through a couple hundred dollars of products!!! Did I learn my lesson? No. Because Grayson did the same thing 3 years later. The lesson I DID learn, however, was to laugh about it. With Cami, I was so upset that she got in trouble and I didn't take the time to see the humor in it. I didn't even take pictures. With Grayson, I had eased up a bit and not only took pictures, but had to control my laughter so he wouldn't assume he wasn't in trouble. ;)

Katie said...

OMG, Kellea - it happened twice!? Lol. That's awesome!

Kristi said...

OMG! You must have died when they told you that!!!!!

Katie said...

Kristi, at first I laughed! LOL. But then I realized it wasn't exactly funny..... I felt horrible!

Kristi said...

I bet! Well, everyone will remember this for years!!!

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