
Getting excited.

I'm reaching that point of the term where I am ready for exams to be over so that I can (1) be done with exams, and (2) travel to all the various places I am set to travel to once exams are finally over.

I think the plan, as of now, is to head to Denver once my exams are over. I will spend a week there with Thad, then fly back to Grand Rapids in time to drive to Norfolk with Tom and Thad to visit Nana. From Norfolk, I will fly out to Dallas for boudoir (OMG, so excited!!), and then after Dallas, of course, school starts right back up again.

I mapped out the classes I am going to have to take this next quarter in order to graduate by December. Holy shiz, the line-up is looking rough. Estate planning? Securities Regulations? Taxation for Business Entities?

I can guarantee much more bitching to come on this blahg about those classes. And, I'm pretty sure I can kiss my summer goodbye. Lol.

Oh well, though. It will alllllllll be worth it when I am finally done with my last final exam. I haven't quite decided what celebratory activities I am going to engage in when that day finally comes, but I can only imagine that it will involve a lot - and I do mean a lot - of alcoholic beverages, good friends, and maybe even a foreign country. Or Alaska.

Or Hawaii.

Oh, the possibilities are endless.

Also, for those who haven't heard - I saw my doctor in Cleveland on Wednesday, and we have officially begun the process of tapering me off of my chemo meds. SUCH a relief!! I will be done with these God-forsaken pills by the end of this year, if all goes well.

Oh! And I almost forgot!

Isn't my kid cute? Hehe.

This was taken shortly before a run to Target where he proceeded to con me into buying him a toy car, and then flipped his shit when I wouldn't let him have it before we paid for it. 

Yep. We were those parents with the screaming, flailing kid in Target. The ones I once scoffed at oh-so-long-ago.

He's lucky he's cute and so easy to forgive. ;)


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