
Rhymes. With. Schmaschmortion.

Final exams.

Shoot me in the face.


Last night, Danielle and I pulled an all-nighter. And no, I'm not talking about hanging out until 3 or 4, getting a few hours of sleep, and then heading to the exam. Nope. We hit the books at Denny's at 10, drove to my house at 7, studied some more, then went to the exam at 9.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I came home, fell into my bed, and didn't wake up until Thaddeus came into the room to tell me, "Mommy, there's a poop in my pants."


There is seriously no better way to wake up from a 5-hour nap than to be tapped on the face by a child with feces in his pants.

Next up?

Constitutional Law.

But that's on Sunday.

So, in the meantime, I have a date with my camera and a 9-day old little boy named Wyatt.

More on that tomorrow. :)

I'm going back to bed.


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