

Alright, so somewhere between joking last night about how I could care less about finals and waking up this morning, my body went into panic mode. I literally popped out of bed today and hit the books. Do not pass Go (i.e. do not get coffee). Do not collect $200 (i.e. do not brush teeth). Just go straight to studying.

Poor Thad. His almost-three-year-old little mind doesn't understand, "Mommy's busy. Mommy has a test," and all morning long his pleas to play basketball and go to the park were met with resounding, "No"s. I will fully admit that I turned the television on for my little man, and never looked back.

Yep, that's right. I used my television as a babysitter while I studied for finals. Judge me.

And now, an almost complete 12 hours later, I have finally taken a break to make some dinner, play some basketball and blahg (of course!).

I really hate law school exams. I know I've mentioned this before, but please humor me (even if for just a moment).

Law school exams are simply a quarterly reminder of just how shitty of a lawyer I would actually be. And before you think, "Geesh, Katie, how hard can it be to memorize the law!?" let me just tell you that law school exams don't test your knowledge of the law.

In fact, most lawyers will readily admit to you that they had zero knowledge of the law when they graduated law school --- but what they did have was an understanding of how to apply the law in any given scenario. I somehow lack any ability to accurately apply the law or think outside of the box.

So, despite studying my ass off for weeks at a time, I typically find myself at the lower end of the spectrum of grades. I guess I should be happy that I am still far from being in the bottom half of my class, but I will also admit that I can't stand the fact that for the first time in my life, my Grade Point Average begins with a "2." How depressing is that?

But, despite the great annoyance and pain it brings me, I will continue to plug on. I will continue to study my ass off for mediocre grades. I will continue to bitch and moan about law school.

And hell, maybe you will still even continue to read all about my adventures in law school because I am just. that. interesting.

Or, of course, maybe you are just. that. bored.

Whatever. I'm glad you stopped by. :)


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