
We're back.

Thad and I left for California last week to see my little brother graduate from high school, and to throw my little sister a surprise party for her recent engagement.

We were supposed to come back on Sunday, but we extended our stay until early Wednesday, instead.

I am so thankful for those extra days. It gave me time to get caught up with other members of my family who I had not yet seen, as well as time to get all my laundry done so I didn't have to do it when I got home. Total bonus.

Alright, so here's a re-cap.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long post. :)

Day One: Our day was spent entirely on travel. Our [5 hour] flight left from Detroit in the evening, and got into LAX pretty late. The drive from the airport was pretty long, too. So if we weren't in a car, we were on a plane. And vice versa.

But it all worked out. Airports are like Six Flags for 3 year olds. Didn't you know that?

When I say he ran up and down these moving walkways for two hours, I'm not exaggerating. What was even more concerning was the fact that he didn't even fall asleep on the airplane.


Day Two: My baby brother graduated from high school.

I am so, so thankful that it worked out for me to be there to witness this (since I missed it when my sister graduated). We literally had all of 10 minutes to snag some "formal" photos, but I think we got some good ones.

And, looking at these, I can only see a little toddler boy - one who was so little so long ago. Now he's all grown up, ready to start college in the Fall. I can't believe it!


He's so handsome! And funny - although, not nearly as funny as his oldest sister. Ha.

No but really, Travis and I figured that this was the very first time that he and I ever got to spend a lot of quality time together. I don't know why - maybe it's the age gap, or maybe life has always just gotten in the way. But this time, it worked out. 

Travis and I spent time together at Disneyland. Shopping. Listening to the new records I bought him on his record player. Driving around. It was awesome.

Speaking of Disneyland...

Day Three: The Happiest Place on Earth.

I like to tease my sister because she got engaged to Ryan at Snow White's wishing well, and she wanted me to bring my camera along so I could get some photos of the two of them there. So I did. 

And this was literally the only photo I took:

We were all on the tram into the park, and clearly I didn't have enough space to fit them both into the frame.

Later on, my sister decided that she wasn't "feeling photos." So I took my dinosaur camera to the park for nothing. Lol.

However, I will say that we got a ton of cute photos with HER camera...and as soon as she emails them to me (hint, hint, Brandi!), then I will post them!

Day Four: I fulfilled my Matron of Honor duties on the fourth day by managing to pull off a surprise party for my sister, and her fiance, Ryan. I, of course, didn't do it alone---the Maid of Honor, Emily, was a huge help (as were my stepmom and Craig!). Keeping a secret from Brandi is like attempting to keep spray tanner away from a body builder - it's impossible.

But we totally pulled it off. She was shocked.

The party was complete with 6-foot subs (Ryan's dream), cake, and champagne; as well as family and friends (about 60 people, total).

Travis and his new girlfriend. We were playing the game "Things" and one of her answers was, "Michael Jackson's balls."
It was like instant acceptance into the family.

The couple of the hour!

Day Four: We pretty much slept this entire day. I don't even think I took pictures at all. 

Literally woke up around 10. By 2, we were all asleep again. We DID go to Bennihanna's for dinner that night, though - OMG, yum.

Day Five: This was the day Travis, my stepmom and I all went shopping. It was fun helping Travis pick out clothes - I don't think I've ever shopped for a guy before. Thad is too  young to be considered "a guy" and Tom has a very unique taste --- I won't even attempt to buy him clothes.

But, alas, no photos of this day.

Day Six: On this day, we had one last visit and took a few photos together.

Day Seven: My cousin, Randall, is a big lover of snakes. He has several of them that he takes care of, that seem to get bigger and bigger each year. 
Randall is in a contest right now for a $10,000 snake, and so he wanted some photos to submit.

I was happy to oblige.

But then, of course, Thad had to get in on the action. It didn't worry me a bit - Randall knew what he was doing, and Thad wasn't the least bit scared. I suppose it helps that I'm not afraid of snakes, either. Lol.

I will say, though, that Thad can't stop talking about snakes now. He wants us to buy him one. 

Yeah. Not going to happen. Lol.

This one is my favorite. Thad is making a funny face at the same time that the snake is sticking his tongue out. Lmao.

So yeah, that sums up our last week. I'm glad to be back with my husband, catching up on everything I have fallen behind in, but I definitely miss my family.

Oh well. Three more months and I will be back!


Tonya said...

OMG!! Katie you look so fantastic! Amazing, really. You are so beautiful. And Travis, omg! You two look so much alike.
I loved (and was slightly creeped out) by the photos of Thad with the snake. How crazy that he didn't even think twice about it.

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