
I've got my baby back.

Sorry. Was that title a little TMI? Because I'm definitely not talking about Thad. Lol.

I'm talking about Tom.

The Bar exam is OVER and Tom is home from Lansing. I can't even tell you the huge sigh of relief this is for our family.

There is the obvious reason - the Bar exam is OVER.

But there's more to it.

Despite waiting for results, and not having a job, Tom is still much less stressed than he was before. He has resumed eating again, lol, and is back to his ol' self. I have loved him being home for the past three days. I don't have any interest in making plans with others -- I've just wanted to be home with the two important guys in my life.

Our days have consisted of sleeping in, playing games together, making meals together, laughing on the couch with one another, and watching movies as a family. I honestly can't remember when the last time was that we were able to do these things, without worries about things going on around us.

Reality will resume on Monday, I am sure, as Tom starts to look for work.

But until then, I am enjoying every minute.


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