
Four years.

Despite getting the news about my grandpa yesterday, Tom and I decided that we still wanted to go out and celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary.

Quite honestly, it was a day that both of us had been looking forward to for awhile, as it was the first time in a long time that we had some special things planned (aside from the regular ol' dinner and a movie).

By far, one of the best nights we've ever had out together. We had a blast.


Dinner at the Chop House.

Pool. (And uh,  by the way, someone needs to remind my husband next time that I'm a pool shark when I've had too much to drink. I believe the final score was: Tom 2, Katie 3).

The entire night was a perfect representation of one of the biggest reasons I love Tom.
He makes me laugh.
Even when my heart is broken.

Even when I am longing to be near family.

Even when I feel like the day is lost.

He reminds me that it's not.

And for just a few moments last night, I forgot how sad I was feeling and remembered how happy he makes me.

Oh, and on top of that - he's a fucking fantastic dad.


I love watching these two together.

Cheers to you, my love.

Here's to 4 more... ;)

Oh! And maybe even a few more of these.........


Tonya said...

I love you Katie.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

And congratulations to you and Tom on 6 years. Pretty awesome...

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