
Me and my monkey.

Today marks the seventeenth day since I started my project 365.

It's also been a bit of a tough day, attitude-wise.

I know you can't tell from the picture, but we battled some major three-year-old issues this morning. I think it's Thad's way of saying, "Mommy, don't leave me alone for 4 days again."

But we worked through it.

And through the tears, and the taking away of the bike, and the elimination of the television, he still found a minute too look at me, smile, tell me I was his favorite, and then tell me he loves me.

No matter how shitty we feel when we have to discipline our children, it's always nice to see those moments when we realize that it's actually in their best interest to set up boundaries and provide consequences when the rules are broken.

I love you, Thaddeusaurus Rex.


Tonya said...

Katie!! You are soo beautiful!
And your son? He's not too shabby in the looks department either;)

Katie said...

Love you!

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