

Today, I:

Woke up to the sounds of Dora the Explorer in my bedroom, and a little guy singing about a backpack.

Had but a few hours to myself while Tom and Thad went to the gym.

Ate about two-thirds of my child's french fries at lunch.

Played several rounds of Wii tennis with Thad, while simultaneously dodging his swings at the television.

Wiped two boogars without a Kleenex off of Thad's face.

Noticed that all of Thad's new jeans are now too short.

Realized that Thad just recently hit a major growth spurt, which explains why he has been eating like a cow.

Calmed Thad down when he awoke only 1 hour into his nap, having dreamed about some fire in the house.

Was forced to take 100 pictures of Thad drinking his Kool Aid Cool Burst. 

And then 100 more photos of him wearing his fireman jacket and matching hat.

Actually let Thad hold my camera and take a picture of me wearing his Iron Man mask.

(It's a tad blurry, but the kid clearly knows a thing or two about composition and the rule of thirds!)

Ate all of the green peppers off of Thad's plate because he wouldn't believe me that they weren't pickles.

Played one million games of soccer, basketball, baseball and golf.

Made a family book with Thad for his class next week. We colored pictures of different members of our family, and answered questions about the things that he likes.

Attempted to edit photos, but then changed my mind.

Scrubbed Thad for what seemed like hours in an attempt to get NON-Crayola markers off of his hands and face. WTF was I thinking!?

Got smacked in the face when Thad jumped from off the counter and into my arms.

Listened to Thad giggle as he consistently made himself toot.

Tickled Thad on my bed until I thought he might pee his pants.

Got body-slammed by my 3-year-old...more than once.

Received at least a dozen kisses and "I love you mommy"s. 

Let Thad call his grandma and grandpa so he could tell them about how he had taken all of his plastic bugs, and put them in the back of his toy truck.

Read the same story I've been reading for weeks at bedtime - some book about Fire Engines.

Entertained at least two, "Mommy, I'm thirsty"s before finally telling Thad that he HAD to go to bed.

Heard Thad say his prayers at least 4 times. It seems to be his new favorite thing, and I really can't complain about that.

Seriously, my life these days is nothing I would have ever imagined it would have been 5 or 10 years ago. 

But, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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