

We are at the halfway point before the Monkey turns four years old.


I don't know if I'm crying because it means that the terrible twos and threes are potentially over, or I am crying because he's growing up so fast.

Either way, I'm crying.

But, ahem, look at how HANDSOME he is.


Your eyeballs hurt. Admit it.

Today we ran around town, completing at least 452 bazillion errands. As a thank you for being so incredibly well-behaved, and a way to reward him for eating everything on his plate at lunch (we were at a new place, and he had never tried any of the food before...trust me, I had quite the task on my hands), I let him pick something out at Target.

He never fails to amaze me. Just when I thought he was going to go straight for the monster truck, complete with mud on the tires, he chose this:

My dad, ever the Transformer junkie, would be proud.

P.S. - Get excited. Thad starts T-Ball AND swimming lessons this week. Lots and lots of pictures to come!


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