

When I was a little girl, it used to make me feel really bad when my mom would pack something in my lunch that I didn't like and I would end up throwing it away.

The way I looked at it, that poor piece of food - say, a bologna sandwich - had waited its entire life for one thing...to be eaten.

And here I was, the unappreciative little girl, throwing it away because it "grossed me out."

As I would walk away from the trash can, I would think, "That poor sandwich is so sad. It will never live to see its dreams come to fruition."

No, really. I was that much of a psycho.

Tonight, I made Thad macaroni and cheese for dinner, and the noodles were shaped like characters from Toy Story.

He didn't even want to try it because he didn't want to "hurt Buzz Lightyear."

No, really.

That happened.

My kid - I believe - may just be as crazy as me.


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