
Holy hell, it's cold.


Spring has been here for all of 7 days, and I swear it has actually gotten colder.

Tonight, when Thad went outside to play with his little girlfriend next door, I had him bundled up in a long-sleeved shirt, a sweatshirt, AND a down jacket. And mittens.

Maybe that's why he had this weird look on his face? Lol.

We're trying something new here in the Jeter household, in order to try and curb this attitude problem that Thad seems to have.

At 3 1/2 years old, his favorite words and phrases consist of things like, "NO!," or, "Shut your mouth!," or, "It's NOT FAIR!," or, "Don't talk to me!"

So yeah, it needs to stop. He doesn't seem to get the message when we say things like, "If you smart off one more time, you're going to bed early." In fact, I don't even think he cares if he goes to bed early because he has a bad ass bedroom with every toy a boy could ever dream of (including a basketball hoop and a tent). 

So the new plan is a behavior chart. He gets three strikes during the day - at the third strike, he gets a skull and crossbones sticker for the day. If he doesn't get three strikes, he gets a monster truck sticker for the day. Seven monster trucks later, he can go to Chuck E. Cheese.

So far, so good. But we'll see how long it lasts.

I swear, this child has more willfulness, stubbornness, and heard-headedness than Tom and I combined.


Erica C said...

I like the behavior chart idea. Great!! And I love that you are using skull and crossbones sticker when he is naughty!! That is hilarious!!!

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