
Day. Twelve.

What you believe.

I believe in the power of prayer.

I believe in God.

I believe that Thaddeus is my one saving grace; my angel.

I believe that this world can be entirely too cruel, but that I can do my best to teach my child how not to be a part of it.

I believe that a good song can heal your soul.

I believe in abortion, but I also believe that I will never make that choice for myself.

I believe in gay marriage.

Despite all of this, I do not believe in the Democrats.

I believe in the importance of being articulate and well-spoken.

I believe you can make a wonderful life for yourself, even without a college education. 

I believe that the best shoes are always too expensive.

I believe in forgiveness.

I believe that family should always be your first priority.

I believe in working for yourself, since working for others can get entirely too frustrating.
I believe that anger is healthy.

I believe that laughter is even healthier.

I believe in doing what is right for you, and not what is right for everyone else.

I believe that someday I will get off of all of this medication, and have another baby.

I believe in Hell, and I believe that those who do harm to children will spend the rest of eternity in a horrific, fiery pit.

I believe in keeping a schedule.

I believe in most people, when they ask me to believe in them.

I believe in disallowing people into your life, when they have proven time and again that they are only capable of harm. I still, however, believe that you should forgive them for the harm that they have caused.

I believe that my husband is one of the greatest husbands on earth.

I believe that my husband is an even more fantastic dad.

I believe in having an outlet for all of your inner thoughts.

I believe in dancing with your children.

I believe in make-believe.

I believe in the power of the written word.

I believe in photography because I believe that photos capture moments in time that you will never get back.

I believe I've written enough for today.

I do believe it's time for bed. Lol.


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