
Thank you, Wegeners.

Well, I managed to land myself in the Emergency Room this afternoon.

That's always awesome.

Yesterday morning, I woke up with some swelling in my left leg and it hurt to walk. I honestly didn't think much of it because the night before, Tom and I had gone out. I wore high heels, and we climbed about 50 flights of stairs. So, I figured I was just sore.


My leg was twice the size. My pain was twice as bad.

So, I called my doctor at the Cleveland Clinic. 

She had the same suspicions that I did - a blood clot. She advised me to head to the hospital, and we did. 

At first, they were reluctant to say it was a clot at all. They performed a physical exam on my leg, and all of the classic "signs" of clotting - i.e. pain in my ankle upon bending, extreme swelling in my calf - weren't present. But, to be "on the safe side," they did an ultrasound.

The clot was found right in my upper thigh.

I think this is the first time where I really felt scared. When I was diagnosed with Wegeners, it was a different feeling than this. Now, I am afraid that if I over-exert myself, I will dislodge the clot and fall to my death in front of my own child.

Dramatic, I know. But scary.

The doctor has me on two medications for the clot, one of which I have to physically inject into my body myself, twice a day. ::barf:: The other medication will probably be a part of my pill regiment for at least 6 months. 

Oh hell...what's another pill?

So yeah, today was about 90% shitty.

What about the other 10 percent?

I found out that I made it into Group Six for the Pioneer Woman's photo assignment. Seriously, I was thrilled. I told my friend Cari that if I died from a pulmonary embolism tonight, I would at least die a happy girl. 

If you get a chance, check it out. I was seriously honored to even be picked at all. There are always so many awesome photos that are submitted for these things.

And again, thank you to all of you for your thoughts and prayers.


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